Tag: emergency preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

Spring in the United States brings more than beautiful flowers and green grass.  In fact, this Spring has brought snow storms, wildfires, floods, and deadly tornadoes.  The Conditions of Participation for home health, hospice, and many state licensed home services require the establishment of an emergency plan for its organization, employees, and patients. In addition…

Emergency Preparedness Readiness

Hurricane season officially kicked off June 1st. With the formation of a Potential Tropical Cyclone system, designated by the National Hurricane Center, agencies and residents should prepare now for high winds and flooding rain. Utilize your emergency preparedness risk mitigation to put action steps into place in the event you should need to implement your…

Emergency Preparedness Policies

Your agency’s emergency preparedness policies must reflect the recent Interpretive Guidelines released by CMS. Policies should include guidance related to Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs), alternate energy sources, patient surge and staffing, facility needs during emergencies among others. These policy changes can and will affect your State survey so prepare now!  Appendix Z – State Operations…

Emergency Preparedness Plan Changes

On March 26, 2021, CMS released updated interpretive guidelines and updates to Appendix Z of the State Operations Manual (SOM) as well as Expanded Guidance related to Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs). These are effective immediately. One prominent change was the addition of Emerging Infectious Diseases. This addition impacts various aspects of your emergency plan and…