
Hospice Top Medical Denial Reasons

  1. Inadequate Documentation of Terminal Illness: Hospice services are generally provided to individuals with a terminal illness. Insufficient documentation proving the patient’s terminal status or prognosis may lead to denials.
    1. Hospice Determination of Terminal Illness Quick Glance Tool
    2. Hospice Coding and Documentation Tips Cheat Sheet
    3. Fundamentals of Hospice
    4. Staff education on hospice documentation
    5. Chart Audit/Mock Survey
    6. Consulting
  2. Lack of Face-to-Face Encounter: Some hospice services require a face-to-face encounter between the attending physician and the patient to determine the eligibility and need for hospice care. Failure to document this encounter may result in denials.
    1. Face to Face Encounters Cheat Sheet
    2. Staff education on Hospice Face to Face
    3. Fundamentals of Hospice Module
    4. Chart Audit/Mock Survey
    5. Consulting
  3. Inaccurate Length-of-Stay Determinations: Hospice services are typically provided based on the patient’s prognosis, and some denials may occur if there are discrepancies in the length-of-stay determinations.
    1. Hospice Policy & Procdure Manual
    2. Fundamentals of Hospice Module
    3. Eligibility Audit
  4. Documentation of Hospice Eligibility Criteria: Ensuring that the patient meets the specific eligibility criteria for hospice care is crucial. Inaccurate or insufficient documentation of eligibility can lead to denials.
    1. Hospice Determination of Terminal Illness Quick Glance Tool
    2. Fundamentals of Hospice Module
    3. Eligibility Audit
    4. Staff education on hospice eligibility
  5. Failure to Meet Continuous Care Criteria: Hospice providers may offer continuous care during periods of crisis. Denials can occur if the documentation does not support the need for continuous care during these critical periods.
    1. Fundamentals of Hospice Module
    2. Staff education on levels of care
    3. Staff education on hospice documentation