COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

Home health and hospice agencies are at a higher demand, now more than ever, for protecting their patients and staff from COVID-19. Currently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized two vaccines for public use in December 2020 and a third in February 2021.

Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) Changes in 2021

As a reminder, home health agencies will no longer receive RAP payments for 30-day payment periods beginning on and after January 1, 2021.However, agencies are required to submit the RAP in a timely manner to avoid monetary penalties. This is in preparation for the transition to the Notice of Admission beginning in 2022.

Emergency Preparedness Plan Action

Much of the United States has experienced a weather emergency this week. Home health agencies and hospices are required to document the events if they enacted another aspect of their emergency preparedness program—in addition to the COVID pandemic.

American Heart Month

We love your heart! MAC Legacy strives to educate and bring awareness to all healthcare professionals in our industry to better serve their patients. February is American Heart Month and we would like to bring awareness of this important campaign with discounted heart related products.

Bipartisan Budget Act Passed

The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 was passed on February 9, 2018. Even though it does not represent our total requests, this is a VICTORY for your efforts to contact your representatives in Washington! Here is a summary: