Coding and COVID-19

During this time of the year coders begin to ponder the potential coding changes that are brought about by the Spring Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting.  This year’s virtual meeting proposes multiple changes that will create lots of questions for those of us who spend the majority of the day with our noses pondering the…

Continuity of Business

Although the COVID-19 Pandemic is not over, many business are returning to daily operations and navigating the post-pandemic fall out.  There are several steps your agency can take to prepare for State survey. Updating/creating policies to adhere to stringent infection control guidelines and vaccine guidance Updating your Emergency Preparedness Plan to include newly released Interpretive…

Emergency Preparedness Policies

Your agency’s emergency preparedness policies must reflect the recent Interpretive Guidelines released by CMS. Policies should include guidance related to Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs), alternate energy sources, patient surge and staffing, facility needs during emergencies among others. These policy changes can and will affect your State survey so prepare now!  Appendix Z – State Operations…

National Parkinson’s Awareness Month

Parkinson’s Disease is a movement disorder that affects over 1 million people in the U.S. With multiple treatments options now available, those affected can be instrumental in designing a regimen that’s right for them. Education and creating a support team to navigate the mental and physical effects is key. Learn more about the 5 stages…

Emergency Preparedness Plan Changes

On March 26, 2021, CMS released updated interpretive guidelines and updates to Appendix Z of the State Operations Manual (SOM) as well as Expanded Guidance related to Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs). These are effective immediately. One prominent change was the addition of Emerging Infectious Diseases. This addition impacts various aspects of your emergency plan and…

National Physicians Week

Thank you to all our home care and hospice physicians! With COVID-19 waivers, physicians have the capabilities to do home health visits via telemed allowing vulnerable seniors to continue to receive care while staying safely in their homes. We honor all physicians this week and appreciate your dedication to the healthcare industry and the well…

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Education & Awareness Month

MS is a chronic neurological condition that affects the central nervous system and even though there is a lot of research being done, the cause of MS is not known. In 2017 there were almost a million people diagnosed with some form of MS and even though the rate of progression varies widely, the disease…

COVID-19 Vaccine Policy

Home health and hospice agencies are at a higher demand, now more than ever, for protecting their patients and staff from COVID-19. Currently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized two vaccines for public use in December 2020 and a third in February 2021.

Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) Changes in 2021

As a reminder, home health agencies will no longer receive RAP payments for 30-day payment periods beginning on and after January 1, 2021.However, agencies are required to submit the RAP in a timely manner to avoid monetary penalties. This is in preparation for the transition to the Notice of Admission beginning in 2022.